Bem-vindo à RUCKUS Networks, parte do portfólio líder mundial de soluções de rede da CommScope. Saiba mais.
Parceiros Alliance
Network Management and Security
A Nomadix oferece gateways para soluções eficientes de conectividade cabeadas e sem fio em redes públicas e corporativas. Nomadix gateways and application management devices have earned a global reputation for unparalleled reliability and ease of management. As one customer put it, “They just work.” Powered by patented technology, Nomadix throughput enhancement technologies make available bandwidth stretch further, slowing the pace of investment in bandwidth upgrades and enabling revenue generation, detailed reporting and customization in a number of business models. With Nomadix, public access network providers are able to deploy cost-effective, secure and easy-to-use network services.
Solution overview guide
Check out the overview for Nomadix to learn what it does, how it works and where it can be placed. Their solution works with RUCKUS Cloud, access points and ICX Switches. Their technologies are always one step ahead of market needs and enable operators to:
- Enhance bandwidth in a modular and cost-effective way.
- Monetize from demanding users while providing consistent experience to visitors with regular usage pattern.
- Maximize the potential of existing bandwidth subscription(s).
Why RUCKUS Networks?
SmartZone network controllers simplify network set-up and management, enhance security and minimize troubleshooting.
Os controladores de rede SmartZone oferecem escala, flexibilidade e abertura para suportar os cenários de instalações mais sofisticados.
Expedite troubleshooting
Os controladores de rede SmartZone simplificam a configuração e o gerenciamento da rede, aumentam a segurança, minimizam a necessidade de resolução de problemas e facilitam atualizações para redes construídas com pontos de acesso e switches RUCKUS.
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