Bem-vindo à RUCKUS Networks, parte do portfólio líder mundial de soluções de rede da CommScope. Saiba mais.
BETT 2024
After our impactful presence at Bett 2024, we're thrilled to share the highlights of our latest innovations in esports, IoT solutions, and RUCKUS One. During the event, we hosted speaking sessions featuring industry leaders discussing superior learning experiences through lean IT and AI-driven, cloud-managed networks with Wi-Fi 7. Additionally, experts shared insights on kickstarting esports journeys in education with RUCKUS Networks. Our booth was a standout attraction, featuring live demos, engaging conversations, esports activities, and even a puppy claw machine!
We extend our gratitude to everyone who visited our booth or took the time to connect with our team during the event. As we reflect on this enriching experience, we invite you to join us in envisioning a brighter future through education.
Thank you for being part of our journey towards transforming education with innovative solutions.