Parceiros Alliance


Internet das Coisas

A Qubercomm Technologies foca em oferecer produtos e serviços de alta qualidade que permitam às empresas criar soluções para IoT que resolvam problemas do mundo real em ambientes dinâmicos e com alta interferência em diferentes setores. Our value added services, sophisticated patent-pending technologies, and deep domain expertise enable us to help our clients create IoT-powered real-time locationing systems for complex indoor environments and various industrial use cases.

As redes RUCKUS facilitam as implantações de fibra de hotel ao ativar novas soluções de IoT

Hotels are also looking to vendors to deliver network solutions that support multiple applications, reduce costs, improve reliability and protect investments. To meet these requirements, Ruckus is partnering with IoT ecosystem vendors such as Qubercomm, to empower hoteliers to support the latest IoT use cases on a unified network infrastructure including connected entry, safety buttons, asset, room tray and vendor tracking, energy management, online thermostats and location-based advertising.

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Soluções completas

The ICX 7150-24F fiber switch, ICX 7150-C08 compact switch and Fiber Backpack, which supports the H510 access point (AP), along with structured cabling now offers customers an end-to-end solution. 

Guest and staff safety

Locatum is a Real-Time Indoor Location System (RTLS) for tracking people and assets in hospitality, healthcare, retail, industrial and commercial environments. Locatum utilizes RUCKUS equipment for the locators and gateways.

Redefining the edge 

By combining both wired and wireless technologies with one supplier, a cohesive solution is assured while reducing installation time, ensuring compatibility, and enhancing coverage.

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