RUCKUS Courses

Course Details

WebCast Replay | DOCSIS & PacketCable CPE Security Certificate Expiration and How to Fix It.

Category Name: CMTS/CCAP


This webcast provides an explanation of the issue and solutions from both the CPE and the CMTS.

  • At the conclusion of this webcast, every participant will be able to:
  1.    Identify CPEs that may be affected by the Certificate Expiration
  2.    Learn the different resolution methods, both CPE and CMTS related.

Price:  Free
Presenters:  Dan McFarland / Jock Crawford

Duration:  38 Min.

(Note:  This webcast was originally delivered "Live" on November 5, 2020 at 11am EDT)

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CommScope University is our new home for professional certification, technical and product training. You will have access to multiple CommScope product line training all in one place! CommScope University houses training from the former ARRIS Academy, the Mobility Solutions Institute and the RUCKUS Training Portal.

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